The Association was founded on the initiative of Ministry of Architecture and Construction and Highways Committee of Ministry of Transport and Communications of Republic of Belarus. Its members are physical bodies, and its activities are to the utmost aimed at development of engineering in construction. Belarusian Association of Consulting Engineers (BACE) is one of the pioneering unions of consulting engineers on the territory of former USSR countries. In spite of its short-term existence, the association has already contributed significantly to the development of normative and legislative bases, that are necessary for favorable development and realization of engineering services in Belarus. BACE specialists have worked out documents of recommendation in the sphere of engineering: «Engineering Organization (Consultant) and Rendering of Engineering Services by Realizing Investment Projects in Construction», «Qualitative Selection of Engineering and Consulting Services by Realizing Investment Projects of Construction», «The Role of Contract Manager by Realizing Investment Projects in Construction», «Contract Form for Realizing of Engineering and Consulting Maintenance by Realizing Investment Projects of Construction». Workable BACE documents of recommendation БелАИК are the basis for working out national methodology of engineering and technical maintenance of investment projects. Foundation of BACE has revived in our country, for the first time in CIS and Baltic countries, the profession of consulting engineer, that existed by us until 1917. BACE has determined the association’s member obligations:
- To carry out reqiurements of the Statute, Conference and elected bodies decisions.
- To pay in accordance with established procedure membership fees.
- To render for BACE financial, organizational and other legal assistance in gaining by-law aims and tasks.
- To obey Code of Ethics of the association’s member.
Code of Ethics of the association’s member allows to join specialists and is based on several main principles:
- responsibility before society,
- competence,
- honesty,
- impartiality,
- fairness,
- nonparticipation in corruption.
At the present moment BACE joins on the professional grounds more than 120 specialists from all regions of the country. The outcome of BACE members activities by realizing projects in road and construction spheres has shown that engineering, using FIDIC methodology, protects and takes into account interests of project participants, and provides mutual pretentions and responsibility. Owing to engineering, work is carried out in the set time by rational organization of construction and normative products quality. Under conditions of limited bankroll clients’ organizations face a difficult problem in providing their rational use, that is why client’s professional skills acquire primary importance. In 2003 in Paris at the General Assembly, International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) examined a question of affiliating BACE to this authoritative international organization. BACE is the first union at the post-Soviet territory, which is a permanent FIDIC member.