Republican Public Society «Belarusian Association of Consulting Engineers» («BACE») was founded in 2000 and is a self-controlled union of citizens, who professionally practice consultancy. The activity of BACE is aimed at development and promotion of consulting engineering services, synthesizing, analysis and popularization of world experience in the field of consulting activity.
Association’s primary intent is development and betterment of engineering in Republic of Belarus, assistance in problem-solving in this sphere, its members’ rights and legitimate interests protection.
BACE works on basis of principles of voluntariness, equal rights of its members, self-government, legitimacy and publicity. In order to gain its aims and statutory tasks Association uses the following methods:
- participation together with state departments in expertise of investment, technical, economic and other projects and documents;
- implementation of publishing activities in accordance with existing legislation, including establishing its own publishing body with the purpose of highlight its activities;
- getting into contact and developing international relations with similar associations, consultants and specialists from other countries;
- organizing of probations and training of its members locally as well as abroad;
- participation in organizing of professional certification of specialists, who render services of engineering and consulting character;
- organizing of exhibitions and seminars and participation in them.